Centennial Place Residence is a purpose-built student residence located in eastern Toronto. It is Centennial College’s only on-campus student residence and serves domestic and international students attending Centennial College and University of Toronto at Scarborough.
Centennial Place Residence's lease term runs from the start of the academic term to the end of December (of that same year) or April, May, and August of the following year with payments made in 4, 8, or 9 installments due and payable on the 1st of each month. Some Agreements may begin or end mid-month, and so additional pro-rated installment(s) of a higher or lesser amount may be added to the first or last installment payment on your Residence Agreement.
We require a guarantor for your lease. Guarantors are most often a relative and must be over the age of 18. A guarantor can be local or international and must provide their contact information and identification details for the application to be accepted.
The submission and acceptance of your Housing Application & Lease Agreement DOES NOT guarantee accommodation or a specific placement on our waitlist. Accommodations are leased on a first-come, first-served basis. As such, availability is subject to change.
Should you choose to apply and sign a Lease Agreement in order to join our waitlist, you are still required to take steps in arranging for alternate accommodation as premises may never become available prior to, on, or after the starting date of the lease term. For additional information, you can reference our Waitlist Addendum that is provided as part of the Lease Agreement.
If you wish to discuss the terms and conditions surrounding our waitlist, please contact us at centennialresidence@studenthousing.com or by calling (647) 735-4675.
After you have completed your Housing Application, you will be required to make your application fees payment. This is a $500 Security Deposit (refundable) and $100 Application Fee (non-refundable) payment via our payment portal, Letus.
If you are submitting a Housing Application and Signing a Lease Agreement to join our waitlist and you wish to discuss the terms and conditions surrounding refund and cancellation requests, please contact us at centennialresidence@studenthousing.com or by calling (647) 735-4675.
Once payment is received, the Residence Office will send you and your outlined Guarantor, your Residence Agreement by electronic mail to review, sign, and re-submit to our Office. Your Guarantor is required to sign the lease document as per the Parental or Sponsors Guarantee section in the agreement.